Stormy Sky

Stormy Sky
When I Walk Through The Shadow Of Death I Shall Not Fear

Monday 25 June 2018

Day 17 - Crave - The Importance of Obedience

⇿Psalms 119:129

1) How did the psalmist see God's statutes? Because of this, how did he respond to the Word?

God's Word was a miracle for him, therefore, he couldn't help but obey.

2) Why do you think did the psalmist respond the way he did in verse 136? How much can I relate to him in this?

The psalmist could see the sin of the Israelites, God's chosen people, and it broke his heart to tears.

 I can relate quite well to this.  I recently read a book called 'The All Saints'.  They made a movie out of it.  A young pastor took over a church with very little people left and a huge mortgage.  He told God he didn't want to do church but wanted to be the church.  He changed that church, it was inspiring. Too many Christians are doing church, having ministries, patting themselves on the back, reaching out but not from their heart.  They are doing it because it is expected of them.  As a result, the churches are shrinking because the world sees the hypocrisy in the church.  We recently left a church like this and I want a church that will be the church not do the church.  I think I have found it, but it is in the beginning stages.  

3) Which of God's commands do I think I need to put into practice today?  How will I do this?

I am not rejected, but I am loved.  God so loved me that he sent His son to die an agonizing death on the cross for me.
I need to once and for all believe this from the bottom of my heart and not believe the lies of the enemy that I am not loved or wanted.  I need to cast Satan out and when I get like this look at why I am acting that way.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I was tired and I should have put on Christian music and told Satan where to go.

Lord, you know how much I struggle with this old lie.  Help me to put that truth into my heart.  I don't want to go back to my pity parties in this area of rejection again.

GOODIE BAG - May each of us see and understand the importance of obeying God's Word.

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