Stormy Sky

Stormy Sky
When I Walk Through The Shadow Of Death I Shall Not Fear

Thursday 7 June 2018

Crave Day 5- God, Help!

Psalm 119:33

1) Whose help is the psalmist asking? What is he asking God to do for him?

He is asking for God's help.  He is asking for insight on how to live and stay on course.

2) What common hinderance or challenges stop people from living according to God's Word?

Being too busy to take time for God.
Walking in fear or unforgiveness which keeps us in bondage. 
Allowing our pride to blind us from seeing our own faults, or wanting to be right when we are wrong.
Controlling others.

3) How can God help me today follow His Word?

To remind me He loves me when loved ones or acquaintances hurt me or put me down. And to remember that people are not perfect even when they come across as being perfect.  I once heard at Singing Waters that when people say they don't need help or change, chances are they need it more than people who say they do need help. 
To show which way I should go in times of trouble.
To remind me to stay in the Word.  When I have hard times to put the passages that will help me into my mind. And to knock down my pride that says those passages are not for me.
To be patient with me and not give up or abandon me.  I know in my head and sometimes in the heart that God won't forget me, but there are times when people abandon me, especially Christians that I have a hard time believing God won't. But God is not at all like people and like the path of forget-me-nots that He showed me years ago, He will not abandon nor forget-me-not, no matter what I do.

GOODIE BAG -- We are not left on our own to follow God's Word -- we can ask God's help.

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