Stormy Sky

Stormy Sky
When I Walk Through The Shadow Of Death I Shall Not Fear

Monday 30 October 2017

Doing What Matters - Day 14 - A Story That Matters or

Living a life that mattes must be full of actually doing all sorts of things that matter. 

Romans12: 1-2; Ephesians 3:20; Luke 9: 23-25; John 10:10; Mark 12: 28-31; Joshua 1:9

We all have a choice on how to live our lives.  If we spend it watching T.V. or living in fear of doing what matters, or being angry etc. that is what we will produce.

What if I allowed the seemingly impossible to become the possible?  This is hard to answer.  If I stayed in my fear of church people and didn't go back to church 1984  I probably would have succeeded in committing suicide instead of being healed of the bipolar and having the daemons cast out and becoming who God created instead of whom people wanted me to be. I will continue to do what matters and see the excitement of where God will take me.

What if every day I made choices that caused me to live differently?  My life would continue to be exciting and I would help people by loving them.

What if I loved God and others with reckless abandon and a selfless heart?  Perhaps people will see Christ in me and want him too.

What if I never allowed fear to stop me?  God would take me places I would never have dreamed of going as he already has.   

Dream wildly, live differently, love recklessly, and lead courageously for the glory of God.

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