Stormy Sky

Stormy Sky
When I Walk Through The Shadow Of Death I Shall Not Fear

Monday 12 September 2016

Chase The Lion - Your Destiny Unfolds

God formed us in the womb, yet before that he designed our lives before us.  Then he gave us the choice to follow it or not.

We never know where our plans for us will end.  King David's Psalms, have reached millions if not billions of people, yet I doubt David thought about who these would reach as he wrote them.  He wrote them from his heart and pain. 

God wants us to follow Him obediently and let God use it His way to bless others. 

My destiny predated me before I was even conceived. God had a script for my life. And he is in the process of fulfilling it today. 

Where is God taking me? How can I say yes to his plan this day?

God has taken me out of the miry pit and healed me in many ways.  Now he is asking me to write my story of healing which I have said yes to. It is taking some time to get done.  I have no idea where it will go so I just write, one word at a time.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations- that's what I had in mind for you.  (To heal the nations is the word for me)

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